Sunday, September 15, 2013

LAD #3: The Declaration of Independence

1.) The Declaration of Independence begins with the fact that citizens of the United States are entitled to democratic principles which are guaranteed and cannot be taken away from them. For example, the democratic principle that all men have certain unalienable rights such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Another example established in the declaration is that the responsibility of the government is to protect the people and these unalienable rights. The people have the rights to alter or throw off of the government if they do not succeed.

2.) Once the Declaration of Independence was created and the democratic principles were established for the government, they began a list of complaints and complaints against Britain. Some of the complaints have to do with interfering with the colonies and foreign countries. For example, the British cut off the colonies trade with all the other parts of the world besides themselves, imposed taxes on the colonies without asking, forcing the colonists to hold large amounts of soldiers in their homes, depriving  them of trial by jury, and several other grievances that disregarded the basic rights the colonists were entitled to.

3.) The democratic system of government was established by representatives of the United States from all different colonies. The representatives also declared separation from Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence declares officially that the colonies of America are free and independent states and are no longer connected politically to Great Britain. They now have the power to make peace, declare war, trade freely, and form their own allies as independent states. The declaration represented the colonists freedom from Britain and was able to establish a foundation for the future of the United States of America.

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