Wednesday, September 25, 2013

LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address

To begin, Washington states that he does not want to be reelected and he believes it is time for someone new to be the head of the government. In his address, president Washington asks the nation to confirm three principles. The first, is that sectional antagonism should  come to an end in the United States, because they cause nothing but a weaker nation. The second request, was that they discourage the formation of parties, since those parties divided people and influenced the government to support the party rather than the people. Lastly, Washington warned against the formation of permanent alliances, which would eventually drag the colonies into conflicts.  Washington suggested  that America keeps a policy of neutrality rather than joining alliances, which he believed would save American lives in the big picture. Washington also included advice about staying out of debt, and how that led to taxes which led to overall unhappiness for the colonists. He also suggested America should maintain the values and morals they had founded in order to create the best life for its citizens. One last thing Washington mentioned, was that the United States should not rely too much on military, as it could lead to a takeover. President Washington's decision to leave also left a footprint in history such as two term presidency and the formation of a Cabinet.

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