Tuesday, November 12, 2013

LAD #11: Seneca Falls Declaration

The Seneca Falls Convention created the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions in order to express womens' opinions that as women, they were being treated as second class citizens in a country where everybody was supposed to be equal. The Declaration of Sentiments and Resoulutions paraphrased the Declaration of Independence and modified it into the new document based on what the people there felt the Declaration of Independence had failed to do: uphold women's rights, making them subservient to men in a society where equality was to be enjoyed by all. The document lists grievances made upon women by men such as denial of property rights, laws which she has had no part in creating but is forced to follow, and general denial of womens' rights in marriage. The document also states resolutions to the grievances which they will pursue using all the resources within their power to see that the resolutions listed are to become reality within society.

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