Thursday, January 9, 2014

LAD #22: McKinley's War Message

William McKinley's War Message focused mainly on the crisis between Cuba and Spain. It addressed how that crisis warranted intervention by the United States due to the sympathy American people have for the Cubans and also the threat the war posed to American business' on Cuba. McKinley's War Message is the main cause of the Spanish American war.  McKinley stated in his address to Congress that Cuban conflict had spread to America, hurting its trade, damaging businesses and horrifying the people. McKinley states that while there is many options that could be pursued regarding the conflict in hopes of finding a solution all of which include intervention on the part of America whether as a neutral party or ally, McKinley leaves the decision up to Congress but not before suggesting the impartial negotiator idea. Mckinley advocates intervention as he feels it is justified for four major reasons which include the fact that the conflict is taking place right outside of american territory, that the citizens of Cuba deserve peace, the fact that the war has harmed U.S. trade in the region, and the fact that a mysterious tradegedy took place within the borders of the conflict area. McKinley declares that in the name of humanity the war must stop. He ends his speech asking congress to grant him the power to utilize the armed forces to cease the conflict between the two nations and to be able to set up a stable government in the region. McKinley concludes and says that the decision is up to Congress now and he hopes a solution will be reached.

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